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Miracle of Istighfar

Al-Ghazali said, "Al-Ghaffar is the Essence of the beautiful and stepped over the bad, and the sin which includes a number of evils which he covered with the curtain closing on it in the world, and not punish Hereafter." Al-Khattabi said, "Al-Ghaffar is the Essence of the continuous endless forgives the sins of Its servants.

The Virtue Of Istighfar
Appropriate human temperament, would not be free from wrong and sin. Among the enemy is the devil. And other human enemies are lust. And that is the world and its deceptions and keglamouran. Sayings seek forgiveness not only by mouth, But by heart. Istighfar, which is not accompanied by a sin to leave the repentance of the liars.

Istighfar Of The Believers
Should not ask for forgiveness for the polytheists, and that it is specifically for believers. Described in Q.S. Maryam: 47, Al-Qasas: 56, At-Tauba: 80,84,113,114.

What Salaf Says About Istighfar
Sahl said, "The beginning is istijabah (answering the call of God) is deeds of the body, Inabah (returning to God) is the heart deeds, and repentance is a return to the gods." Satan said, "I'm destroying our children and grandchildren Adam with their sins and seek forgiveness, and perish me with la ilaha illallah".

Wordings Of Istighfar
Some of the wording Istighfar that comes from the Prophet Muhammad in a saheeh hadeeth,
"O My God, forgive me and give me your forgiveness. Lo Thou the most repentance Forgiver, Most Merciful."
"I beg pardon of God and repent to It."
"I beg pardon of God that there is no god but It. The Ones Life and The Constant Care of Its servant. "

Condition And The Recommended Time Istighfar
1. When finished perform worship
Intended to patch up mistakes and omissions that occurred while performing worship.
2. Istighfar the end of the night
God granted the prayer at that time, giving who ask, and forgive those who pleaded for mercy.
3. At the closing assembly
4. Ask forgiveness for those who died

Istighfar Of The Angels
Angel always celebrate by night and day. Angels seek forgiveness is asked forgiveness to God Almighty for so that It forgive Its servants and forgive their sins.

Istighfar Of Prophet Muhammad SAW
"Verily my heart (sometimes) forget, and indeed, I say seek forgiveness a hundred times a day." (Narrated by Muslim)

Employment Opportunities In Indonesia

• Understanding Opportunity
Employment problem is a problem faced by all countries in the world. With the availability of employment opportunities, means that the state provides the opportunity for citizens to obtain disposable income to make ends meet.
Thus, the employment opportunities available to communities to economic activities become a source of income to make ends meet. Employment opportunities available in all types of economic activities, such as agriculture, mining, industry, trade and services sector. Employment opportunities are also available at government agencies and private institutions.
Judging from the structure of employment, employment opportunities can be interpreted as a situation that describes the availability of jobs (employment) to be filled by job seekers. Employment opportunities can also be interpreted as the demand for labor. Now try you look at why many citizens of Indonesia who became migrant workers, one of which is employment in our country low. The business world is no longer able to absorb the jump in labor force from year to year continue to increase. Means equal opportunity employer with a job that is available in the world of work. Employment information, or also through advertising in newspapers or magazines.
An employment sector that will absorb the labor force. Increased employment in the industrial sector did not affect significantly kenyerapan employment in other sectors. Effects are only fluctuations. Employment remains the largest agricultural sector, this is largely due to the Indonesian population living in rural and largely agrarian sector still choose as their livelihood.
In addition, employment can increase national income. If the job opportunity is wide open, many people who work, then the national income will increase. Increasing national income will be accompanied by increased investment and by itself will open up new employment opportunities.

• Provision of employment opportunities
Employment opportunities related to the economic sector to absorb labor. For Indonesia the number of big labor and the low productivity levels, investment is highly necessary labor intensive. This can be done if we want to reduce the level of unemployment and socio-economic disparities. Some government efforts in providing employment opportunities, including:
a. Development activities in all sectors, with the orientation on the development of labor-intensive nature.
b. Conduct equal opportunity employment, by establishing economic activities (companies) in areas throughout the country.
c. Sending of Indonesian workers abroad.

• Loss of employment opportunities
If we observe the terms of employment opportunities we can provide a definition of loss of employment opportunities. The loss of employment opportunities occur if the conditions for labor demand decreases or the conditions under which the economy of a country is unable to provide employment for the community. Loss of employment is influenced by several factors. These factors are:
a. Population
Population growth is not accompanied by good economic growth will result in the industries could not absorb labor. The inability of industry to absorb labor is the loss of employment opportunities.
b. Innovative technologies
The new technology will replace human labor to machine labor. New technologies in the production process to encourage firms to produce goods murah.efek cost of using new technologies is the number of workers who are not absorbed in the production process, so the discovery of new technologies will lead to loss of employment opportunities.
c. The low quality of labor
In developing countries, usually the quality of its labor force is relatively low. Labor in developing countries is still dominated by workers who are not educated and not trained. The lack of quality manpower will encourage the loss of employment opportunities.
d. Economic conditions
Perkonomian a stable condition, brightest will increase investment. Increased investment means adding new employment opportunities. Instead, economic conditions are unstable or crisis, will lead to investment and reduced employment opportunities.

The Afghan Disaster; by Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

In the private sector, there is always a test of success. The business must make a profit. It can sustain some losses, but the clock is always running on those. At some point, after all cuts have been made and costs are trimmed to a minimum, the business has to close shop. The summer of losses must become the autumn of profits, or else it's all over.

afghanistan yatim piatu afghan
Not so in government. Failing projects can go on forever. There is no profit and loss test. There is no test at all, in fact. Agencies like the Government Accountability Office (GAO) can blast away at a particularly egregious case of government waste, but hardly anyone pays attention. Congress has no reason to scrap it. No one does. Taxpayers have no means to pull the plug, because the whole thing is run outside their purview.
Now, with an intro like that, you might think I'm about to talk about Medicare or public schools or the post office. It would be easy enough. But let us never forget that foreign policy constitutes another sector of government management, central planning, and bureaucratic-driven missions that are no more or less successful than anything else a government does.
The case in question here is the Afghan invasion and occupation. The top military commander there, Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, has written a report (supposed to be secret but emailed to the Washington Post) that says that unless more troops arrive soon, the entire operation will fail. They won't be able to defeat the insurgency unless more force is applied. That's a serious problem, since it is not unreasonable to define the current and would-be insurgency as the entire population of Afghanistan, perhaps excepting those directly on the United States payroll.
How well do I recall that first American foray into Afghanistan following September 11, 2001. The United States just had to kill someone and soon. The Islamic hardcores running that country made a good target, especially since the average American doubts that anyone in such a far-flung country, where people dress funny and believe crazy things, is up to any good at all. Let's go get 'em!
There was hardly any opposition. Oh sure, there were a few of us out there (1, 2, 3, 4). But mostly, everyone went along, as if this were a case of dispensing justice and, after all, that's what government is supposed to do, according to its own storyline. So far as I know, all D.C. think tanks got on board with that one. It was the least objectionable war of the modern period, the one that almost no one opposed.
Never mind that the precise relationship between 9-11 and Afghanistan was fuzzy at best. Never mind that the secret hideouts of the alleged terrorists there were built by the United States itself during the days of the Soviet occupation. The basis of the attack was not that different from the attack on Iraq: it was something that the Bush administration wanted and 9-11 furnished the pretext.
Would it succeed? Anyone with a sense of history knows the answer to that. The British tried and failed. The Soviets tried and failed. The only way a person could believe that the United States would succeed is if you believed that the United States is somehow a country of magic power. After the invasion, the Taliban fled - very smart - and went into the hills to have years of fun with us, and so on it has gone.
But the general's report can't even recognize the failure: "While the situation is serious, success is still achievable."
Oh sure, and if we keep following this rainbow, we'll find a pot of gold at the end. We just have to keep walking and following the general.
People talk of the need for an exit strategy. A more serious problem for government is the exit motivation. So long as failed programs continue, everyone on the payroll loves it. The bureaucrats have power. The money rolls in. The Congress can pass out the contracts. The corporations in league with the warfare state get contracts and infrastructure development. The state gets to show force and muscle people.
What's not to love? The costs are borne by others, such as Americans who pay in taxes and inflation, and such as average Afghans who live amidst chaos and fear, and who stand little chance of experiencing normal lives so long as their country is used as a pawn in international politics. The resentments that are built up during times of occupation last for many generations, and the United States will pay a long and heavy price.
But failure? The United States will never admit it. The answer now, as it was under Bush and will be forever with government programs, is more force, more death, more money, more determination to win. The private sector can't do this, which is precisely why all the stuff that makes life worth living is produced privately, and all that the government does is slow down the progress of civilization and bring destruction and disaster wherever it goes.


        Diantara dasar keyakinan seorang muslim adalah melakukan sebab yang dirinya dengan tawakal yang benar kepada Allah 'Ajawajalla dan berbaik sangka kepadaNya.

Kerajaan Mataram Islam

Pendiri kerajaan Mataram Islam adalah Sutowijoyo atau Panembahan Senopati, putra Ki Gede Pamanahan. Sebelum menjadi raja Mataram, ia mengabdi kepada Sultan Adiwijoyo sebagai komandan pasukan pengawal raja dan bersahabat karib dengan putra mahkota Pajang yang bernama Pangeran Banowo. Setelah Ki Gede Pamanahan wafat (1575), ia menggantikannya sebagai bupati dan bercita-cita menjadi penguasa di tanah Jawa.

Angkatan Kerja, Tenaga Kerja Dan Kesempatan Kerja

Angkatan Kerja
Angkatan kerja dapat didefinisikan sebagai bagian dari jumlah penduduk yang mempunyai pekerjaan atau yang sedang mencari kesempatan untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang produktif.


Sebenarnya tidak ada batas yang tegas pada usia berapa penampilan seseorang mulai menurun. Pada setiap orang, fungsi fisiologis alat tubuhnya sangat berbeda, baik dalam hal pencapaian puncak maupun menurunnya. Beberapa pendapat mengenai batasan usia sebagai berikut :


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